2014年6月1日 星期日

Public Screening Night Review

27.05.2014 was the public screening night for media students. The aim of the public screening is to let other faculty’s students in University Malaya have the opportunity to watch the video production that produce by us. The event start on 830pm at amphitheatre of Faculty of Built Environment. Here is our program tentative:  
8 pm entrance

Some of the students had set up all the sound system and adjust the position of the projector during that time. Other students gathered and found a seat at the amphitheatre and ready to enjoy the show.

830pm screening

The screening started at 9pm after fully prepared.

These are the films that screening at that day.
1. Show Reel
2. Bomoh – short film
3. Bunga – short film
4. Alam Melayu ( Melaka) - documentary
5. The Wound – Public Service Announce (PSA)
6. Zahirah – short film

7. Lovely Pop – commercial advertising
8. Inspektor Petonah – short film
9. Mahkluk Ganjil – news coverage
10. Seram Kampus - documentary
11. Pembunuhan Ratu Kampus – news coverage
12. Hantu Menyambut Merdeka – short film
13. After the Strom – short film
14. Epilogue  

10pm exchange presents
We had gained a lot of fun during this section. This section made us interacted more with each other such as juniors, seniors and students who take this course as elective.

1015pm eat
After we finished our “tea time” is the time to say goodbye. We had taken a picture for all the students who come to the public screening night

