2014年2月17日 星期一

Director's Journal week 1

Today is the first class of The Art of Directing. I am looking forward for this class because I am interested in watching movie and I would like to learn how to direct and create a good movie.

After our lecturer Dr. Azlan explain some basic concept of the course, we had been instructed by our lecturer to choose our own group for the further production. There are documentary, PSA, advertising, short film and the promotion video for the media faculty. Lastly, I choose to join to the short film production.The short film production is led by Ariff who had more experience in production. However due to the number of the students, not all the students can have a chance to direct a production. I think it's a pity for me to lose a chance to learn more. Anyway, I hope I may learn something about the way to direct, act and create a good movie in this production. Wish us have a good luck!

